Tuesday 2 November 2010

Supercars-For-Sale.Com - The saga so far..

Supercars-For-Sale.Com was originally set-up on 000webhost.com That lasted two weeks before they decided that their shared server couldn't cope with simple SQL requests..
The first I knew about it, my account was cancelled. Not suspended. CANCELLED.
No e-mail, nothing. (although I had received a few messages about slow mysql queries)
So, to hell with that. I transferred my site lock, stock and barrel to x10hosting.com, (and removed all the banner advertising for 000webhost). All went well, the site was up in no time at all.
But then I upgraded a couple of plugins and ran into problems. Wassup broke the site!
But worse than that, I couldn't get in to the site as Admin to sort it out!
Using x10hosting.com's file manager to remove Wassup's files worked just fine, though.
It gets worse, though.. the site was suspended for excessive use of resources..
Even though no-one could view the site..
I got it unsuspended, and all appeared OK. (Removed Wassup, remember..).
Overnight, the site was suspended again, for excessive use of resources. Sigh :(
This has to be to do with Feedwordpress being called from wp-cron every time a page is loaded. All it takes is one big bot visit, and we are suspended again.
So, as soon as I can get the site unsuspended again, wp-cron is getting suspended, and I'm manually running FWP's syndication update.


  1. Found an interesting post regarding running WP-Cron jobs as REAL cron jobs.
    It's actually for a Wordpress-MU installation, but the ideas still apply, even if the majority of the code doesn't.

    Running WP-Cron Jobs as REAL cron jobs

  2. Still suspended, despite raising a support ticket after 24 hours..

  3. Site is now back up. I understand that there was a problem with the server "starka".
    Switched FWP to "manual", AND disabled WP-CRON.
    That should sort out the "excessive use of resources" thing.

  4. If the site stays up 24 hours, I'm going to have a go at implementing Pascal's ideas (see earlier comment), regarding running wp-con jobs as real cron jobs.

  5. Change of plan!
    It turns out that FWP has an option to update via a URL.
    I'm going to start a cron job that access it every four hours..
