I noticed that suddenly I wasn't getting my daily e-mail message from one of my sites.
Now, these messages are generated automatically via feedburner, so it's either feedburner, or gmail, or the actual site RSS feed.
Checked GMAIL to make sure the messages weren't ending up in the SPAM. Nope.
Checked Feedburner. Stats looked OK, but "REACH" had dropped to zero about four days ago.
Damn. Feedburner handles the twitter feed AND email subscriptions.
Further investigation showed that the RSS feed was no longer valid. Blank lines at the start of the XML.
Tried the two main solutions:
fix-rss plugin. Nope.
Then the whitespace remover thing. Nope.
Bit more research, and then I came across a post that suggested looking in the THEME's functions.php file. Alarm bells! I edited that about four days ago..
Loaded it up, and it was a mess. I must have been asleep when I edited that.
Re-loaded the file from backup. (You DO have a backup, right?)
And away we go. RSS is back. Feedburner is back.
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