Wednesday, 28 September 2011


My web hosts Unlimited Web Hosting use the PLESK system rather than CPANEL.
There's no direct access to the Unix Shell, so you can't directly use Unix CRON commands.

The solution is in PLESK itself. Select Domains, then the domain you want to add a job to. Now find "Scheduled Jobs", and select a "System User" - probably the FTP user.
Click "Add Scheduled Job".
In "Minutes", add the Minutes you want the job to run, eg "15,30,45,0" to run every 15 minutes.
In "Hours", add the number(s) of the hours you want the job to run, eg "4,8,12,16,20", or "*" for ALL hours.
Same applies for the "Day" and "Week" fields.

So, for example, if you want to run a task twice an hour, every hour, every day, use the following:
Put "00,30" in the Minutes field, and put "*" in all the other fields. Simple, but not immediately obvious.

I now have proper CRON jobs running my feedwordpress systems, and also "DIGI AUTO LINKS". I've timed them to minimise cpu use..


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