Monday, 10 October 2011

WORDPRESS: How to disable all active plugins, without access to the dashboard..

See my earlier post as to why I needed to do this..

My site was down. Dead. No access to the admin functions. The problem was a plugin gone bad (when I tried to disable it).

So, I needed to disable plugins, but couldn't get into the admin panel.

The excellent support guys at Unlimited Web Hosting came up with this ingenious solution:

Here's what you do: use CPANEL or PLESK to access the Wordpress database of your site directly. It'll be something like phpmyadmin. Details vary with web hosting firms. If in doubt, ask yours.

Browse the WP_OPTIONS table. Look for a record called "active_plugins".
Copy the contents of this field into notepad, and save it, just in case.
Now go back to the database, and EMPTY the contents of "active plugins", and save it. (you can always restore it from the copy you made).

Now access your site. It should come back up, but with no plugins running, so it'll be weird. Now go into admin as usual, and re-enable all plugins one-by-one, EXCEPT the one that caused the problem.
I'd DELETE that one..

** DISCLAIMER. If you try this solution, and it messes things up, that's your problem. I take no responsibility for it. It worked for me. **

** If it all goes wrong, simply restore the database from your backup. You DO have a backup, right? **

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