Monday, 2 July 2012

Wordpress - Feedwordpress - Will not activate!

This was a bit of a problem. My site, which relies on FeedWordPress (fwp) for updates, had crashed. The only way to get the site back up was to disable all active plugins via the database (see my other posts), and then re-activate the plugins one-by-one to find the culprit. Turns out that the culprit was FeedWordPress. FeedWordPress does this when there are a LOT of links to check. Like my site. The only way to fix this quickly is to edit the database directly using the hosting control panel. DO NOT edit the RSS links using the inbuilt links editor - it will chop the end off the links, destroying them. It will chop the affiliate bits off the end.. 1. Get the ID of the link category that fwp is looking at. To find out, you need to know it's name. I called mine "FWP". Yours may be "Blogroll". Use the wordpress links editor, but DO NOT edit any links. Now look in the WP-Terms table, and find the record with that name. Make a note of the link_category_id. 2. You are also going to need an empty link category. Use the wordpress link category editor to create one, (I called mine "FWP-DUMMY") or just select an existing link category with no links in it. Note down the link_category_id. 3. Open the wp-options table and look for the feedwordpress_category record. It probably will not be on the first page.. Edit it. The number in there should be the link_category_id for your existing category. Change it to the number for the empty link category. Save it. 4. In Wordpress, activate FeedWordPress. It should work OK now. That's because it's looking at an empty category and has nothing to check. 5. Go back to the wp-options table, and change the feedwordpress category back to the original value. Save it. Feedwordpress is now up and running. Finally, make a note of the link-category_ids for the FWP category and the Empty category, so you won't have to mess about next time.

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